Artist's Project Description
Intertwined began as a study of how to overlap randomized shapes at many intersection points while retaining consistency and physical accuracy. I initially envisioned vines growing on buildings, but over time Intertwined moved in a more abstract embroidery-like direction while retaining influences from that foundational concept.
Key S: Save the output as a jpeg at the current resolution (only available once the piece has finished loading).
Key Arrow Up: Scale the resolution up by a multiple of 1080 pixels. There is no maximum. The current highest recommended scale-factor is 4x.
Key Arrow Down: Scale the resolution down by a multiple of 1080 pixels. 1080p is the minimum.
Key A: Skip the construction animation to show the final result immediately (please note that for pieces with a larger grid skipping the animation may cause a long pause).
Browser Support: Confirmed to work in Chrome Version 97.0.4692.71