Dither Gang Relay
info iconEdition of 64
Artist's Project Description
Tweetcart Relay is when we receive a tweetcart from someone else as either a GENTK or OBJKT, and then modify it to make our own new tweetcart using their pre-existing code and/or ideas. Eventually it's out hope to have many relay chains going on with many people, anyone at all who likes to make tweetcarts or wants to learn how :) A tweetcart is a PICO-8 cart where the source code fits entirely within one tweet. My process with this tweetcart was to make small changes to the previous tweetcart code, but big differences to the output. As I like to say "Code goes in, magic comes out!" For such a small amount of code, there are some real variances with both palettes, dither effect and speed. Enjoy! Relay information: -> inspiration tweetcart: Rubber Band Relay; https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/16570 -> inspiration tweetcart author: carson; tz1XqJ9e6NdouxdGvm2V3aknwFnGL6Kinu6A -> original tweetcart info: aebrer; tz1ZBMhTa7gxSpaeXoqyc6bTCrxEHfZYSpPt (GENTK 16197) -> destination tweetcart author: Alexthescott; tz1St3n29AbYXZXV8W1BG41qYzz86J2CFAW7 Pico-8 Source Code: -> 141 Tokens, 273 Characters _set_fps(60) r=rnd p=srand q=poke f=0g=r()v=128 s=r(-1)p(s)c=r(9)%1+4 q(0x5f54,0x60)cls() for i=0,16 do pal (i,(r(33)-17),1)end ::_:: for i=0,v do x=i+cos(g/v-i/v)*80 y=v+sin(i/8-i/v)*v ?line(x-r(i),y+r(80),i) end g+=r(.02) if(r()>.1)f+=.1p(s)sspr(1,1,126,v,0,0,v,v) goto _ To Friends and Creators: Want to change the code, or make a relay Tweetcart of yourself based on this one? No problem! You can find the official education edition of the Pico-8 here, for free, usable in the browser, thanks to the Pico-8 Creators lexaloffle & co: https://www.pico-8-edu.com/ . Simply press escape to get to the code editor, copy and paste the source code here into there, and press ctrl+r to run the pico8. License: CC0
Dither Gang Relay #1
Dither Gang Relay #2
Dither Gang Relay #3
Dither Gang Relay #4
Dither Gang Relay #5
Dither Gang Relay #6
Dither Gang Relay #7
Dither Gang Relay #8
Dither Gang Relay #9
Dither Gang Relay #10
Dither Gang Relay #11
Dither Gang Relay #12
Dither Gang Relay #13
Dither Gang Relay #14
Dither Gang Relay #15
Dither Gang Relay #16
Dither Gang Relay #17
Dither Gang Relay #18
Dither Gang Relay #19
Dither Gang Relay #20
Dither Gang Relay #21
Dither Gang Relay #22
Dither Gang Relay #23
Dither Gang Relay #24
Dither Gang Relay #25
Dither Gang Relay #26
Dither Gang Relay #27
Dither Gang Relay #28
Dither Gang Relay #29
Dither Gang Relay #30
Dither Gang Relay #31
Dither Gang Relay #32
Dither Gang Relay #33
Dither Gang Relay #34
Dither Gang Relay #35